Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vector Illustration- Self Portrait

Hello Again!

I've been enjoying using illustrator to create portraits. Here is a self-portrait I created this evening. I'm debating if I want to add any more shadowing.

Vector Ilustration


So I saw a job posting for a "vector illustrator" and wanted to apply for this position.  However, I felt my portfolio was going to need some more eye catching work.  Therefore, I created a portrait of my friend Artimmis.  One thing I learned is how to go about creating the sunglasses.  The one thing I have a difficult time with is shading and knowing when to use lines vs. shapes.  Should everything be a shape? Even if a really thin shape. I also was faced with the challenges of hair and how to make her head scarf.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Accidental Photo

So I was messing around with the camera on my new phone and accidently snapped this photograph.  I think it is pretty cool.  I thought I would post it for people to see and to show how creativity can occur on accident.  I did take it into photoshop and mess with it a little bit more, but didn't change very much.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Book

Hello Reader!

I bought a book today which I believe is called "POP". I left the book downstairs and I'm currently too tired to go double check the title.  The book is about pop culture and how that connects to graphic design. I bought it at MOMA is SF because it was on sale, looked interesting, and I knew it would keep my mind off of the horrible thing that has happen to me recently.  So far the book seems to be enjoyable and I love that the chapters are short and to the point, but still describe enough and make you think.  That's all for now. Good Night!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Try and Try Again


So today I created what I believed to be awesome logo for a company that requested one on 99designs.  However, they gave it 2 stars and eliminated the logo.  However, I do understand that it might have been a bit playful and that the "?" might be difficult to read when made smaller.  I'm still very much happy with this logo so I thought I'd share it with you.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I also did motion graphics

So I absolutely love
And I recently did the tutorial to create a city and camera movement within the city.  However, in order to make it more personal and to practice further, I decided to do a little more than just what the tutorial explained. Enjoy!  *NOTE: I had to export it in a manner in which it would work for the blog; this caused the quality of the animation to go down

Practicing Photoshop

I've been experimenting with Photoshop today because I haven't used it for quite some time.  I was going to follow a tutorial, but then I just decided to mess around with the photograph in my own way. I don't take credit for the image of the actual model because I got that from the following site: 
That link also takes you to the tutorial I was going to original do. Anyways here is the before and after.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Was going to be Kate Middelton, but...

....instead I turned it into my friend Stephanie M. because it started looking more like her.  I decided to even change the dress to look like a dress Stephanie is wearing in one of her fb photos. Well that is all for now folks.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Love the Logo

Enjoy part of a logo I designed earlier. It was gonna be posted on, but then the competition disappeared.

Newest Drawings

So now you can see my latest drawing and the finished version of my other drawing that I posted earlier.  The drawing on the left was supposed to be me, unfortunately it looks nothing like me. Practice is really fun anyhow.

Devin: The Brief History


So I've always been creative and enjoyed painting, drawing, but when younger I most of all loved creating things. I did most of my art projects with my Aunt Kay.  Once I completed my homework or if I had a break from school, I would do art with my Aunt.  Together we mostly did the paint in the lines stories with the main character being and elephant. You'd dip your brush in water and then brush it on the colors given to you at the top of the page.  We really enjoyed this and felt that It was a great bonding time.  Like I said, I also loved to make things too.  I would just find whatever we had around the house and begin interesting art projects.  One time I created a beautiful castle out of toilet paper rolls and construction paper.  My Aunt told me today that I also made a gorgeous manger out of cardboard and other materials.   Drawing was something I did more of once I got older and did much more of while in college.  However, I did not keep up with it enough and that is quite sad, so I am now determined to sketch and draw more often.

Furthermore, you should know that I love dancing and thoroughly loved being in productions all throughout the 4 years of college.  I had the privelege to perform at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. and it was amazing!  I was able to be in some amazing, fun, and wacky performances. I danced with some funny, kind, and super talented individuals.

That completes the brief history of Devin H.

Drawing In Progress

So I have been drawing a picture of a guy I know, but I am having major issues with the left eye. I thought I would post this to show my progress and see if anyone has any advice for getting the left eye correct. The guy's left eye is slightly squinting, but when I try drawing it it just looks squished and ugly. Other than that, I like the drawing. There is also a second drawing to the left that I did first and just made look ugly/creepy on purpose because I was getting frustrated with compressed charcoal. I like that face as well and hope you enjoy the drawing.  Oh! and lastly hair is very difficult for me, any tips?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Semi-Old Sketch of Mine

This blogging thing is fun! After this post I will stop for a while, but I just wanted to post one more thing before I go to bed.  About a month ago I was sketching and created this "pac man" like character who is being fed cereal from a floating spoon. Okay well GOOD NIGHT! :) Sweet Dreams world!

Practice Drawing Figures and Dresses

I decided to practice drawing the female figure in a dress. I will probably do more, but just wanted to post this one for now.  She is like the new hip sailor moon.


I hadn't been drawing/sketching enough, so I have picked it up again.  Once I actually begin drawing I realize it is quite enjoyable.  I feel happy and it seems that all negative thoughts disappear. Currently the only photos I have of the sketches are from a camera phone, so quality is not that great, but I will go ahead and post those now.